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⋙ Libro Time Crimes The Paratime Collection Five Paratime Novels in One Volume eBook H Beam Piper

Time Crimes The Paratime Collection Five Paratime Novels in One Volume eBook H Beam Piper

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Download PDF Time Crimes The Paratime Collection Five Paratime Novels in One Volume eBook H Beam Piper

Time Crimes The Paratime Collection Five Paratime Novels in One Volume eBook H Beam Piper

The Kindle description is misleading as these are 5 stories, not novels, but otherwise a fine collection at a great price. These are the original editions as published in magazine format with the black and white illustrations that accompanied them. The Complete Paratime published in 2001 by Ace has more stories but lacks the first one, "Genesis" which I have not seen collected elsewhere. This Kindle ebook includes a linked Table of Contents which some low cost Kindle collections lack.

Piper had a belief in both reincarnation and the possibility of parallel worlds which he explored in these short stories. He was an excellent pulp science fiction writer whose works are now mostly in the public domain.

These works, and more of Piper's, can be found on Project Gutenberg and downloaded for free but this edition has gone back to the original paperback magazine stories and includes the illustrations.

Read Time Crimes The Paratime Collection Five Paratime Novels in One Volume eBook H Beam Piper

Tags : Time Crimes: The Paratime Collection (Five Paratime Novels in One Volume) - Kindle edition by H. Beam Piper. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Time Crimes: The Paratime Collection (Five Paratime Novels in One Volume).,ebook,H. Beam Piper,Time Crimes: The Paratime Collection (Five Paratime Novels in One Volume),ignacio hills press (TM),FICTION Action & Adventure,FICTION Sagas,FICTION Science Fiction Adventure,FICTION Science Fiction High Tech,FICTION Thrillers

Time Crimes The Paratime Collection Five Paratime Novels in One Volume eBook H Beam Piper Reviews

Stories written in a gentler time. Story line is very paternalistic . They do not hold up well in these modern times. Attempts to show the future fall flat.
I probably read the Paratime series decades ago but they are still fun. I was disappointed that Kalvan of Otherwhen was not included in this set, and the set of behaviors and social beliefs of the 1950s and 50s comes across as somewhat jarring to modern day thinking. An old guy like me can put it into perspective, but it would turn off all but the most rabid right-wingers of today.
H Beam Piper will stand as one of the greats of sci-fi/fantasy for as long as the printed word exists, whether you are a mystery/thriller, detective novel or space opera/alternative universe fan, Piper delivers. In H B's writing you will find the forerunner of many who followed in his ginormous footsteps, (federated terran space, space vikings, even his place names have been copied by later writers! Aldebaran sound familiar)? Great reading, great fun and a must for anyone who really wants to be lost in another space/time continuum!
As with most cross time stories, the included books are more historical sci-fi. They are a little dated, with people living on a tropical Venus and originating on Mars, however, you can suspend your disbelief and enjoy the story.
The one problem I had was with only one time line having paratime technology. Given the premise, there had to be thousands of nearly identical timelines with the technology.
Still, they were a good read.
Interesting early Piper work. Well worthwhile, especially if you're a fan of his later work. It remains too sad that he died well before his time. I still have my copy of "Lord Kalvin of Otherwhen," bought while avoiding freshman/sophmore study in college during the 1960's. It's interesting to follow how his writing evolved and became much smoother and more sophisticated as each episode appeared. One of these days, someone (not me) should compile a recognition of the immediate post WWII dawn of true technology/future history featuring not only Piper but Heinlein, early Herbert, and the also too early gone P K Dick. I love the amazingly accurate description of a , circa 1949. Price is right, don't think about it, buy it.
I wasn't familiar with Piper until I happened across this 99 cent kindle compilation of five short stories (although I had read the first story "Genesis" at some point in the distant past). These are great examples of true classic sci fi stories, originally published in '50s pulp magazines.

By and large, the stories hold up well but there are a few "future" technology details that seem dated. And like much pulp sci fi from the fifties you can see the unfortunate influence of McCarthyism; but, as with much older fiction if you can get past that and accept it as a reality of the time it was written, the story is very enjoyable.

This inexpensive kindle editon is very well formated. This little book serves as a great introduction to Piper or just as a quick read when you are in the mood for classic pulp stories.
H. Beam Piper didn't invent the parallel universes concept, but he did more than almost anyone else to popularize it.

Piper's Paratime is an infinite band of parallel Earths, each splitting off as the result of a decision somewhere in history. The resulting levels range from uninhabited Earths to Earths with high space-faring civilizations. And one of those Earths discovered how to travel between these worlds.

Of course a paratime traveling civilization opens the possibility of all sorts of mischief and requires a police force. Since the Original Time Line has exhausted its resources, it needs paratime travel to obtain the resources it requires to continue to exist. It's the job of the Paratime Police to keep order among the paratimers and to keep the Paratime Secret at all costs.

These stories are built around the career of Verkan Val, paratime policeman extraordinary, and his efforts to help his culture keep the Paratime Secret. It's not an easy job. In the course of these stories Val has to recover a Venusian Night Hound that has been let loose on our timeline (late-40's Pennsylvania to be exact), get his sometime-wife Dalla off a world where reincarnation is scientifically proven fact before she overturns the entire civilization, and battle a gang of trans time slavers whose roots reach into the very heart of the Original Time Line government itself.

Most of these stories originally appeared in Astounding Science Fiction in the late 40s and 50s. Like most Astounding offerings, they're full of high action against well-thought-out backgrounds and spiced with interesting characters. It makes for a colorful offering.

Although Piper had been writing science fiction for more than 15 years, he didn't attract real notice until his last Paratime story, Lord Kalvin of Otherwhen, and the unrelated Little Fuzzy. Unfortunately, depressed by financial troubles, he committed suicide just as his career was taking off. It's good to have this collection to help remember H. Beam Piper at his best.
The description is misleading as these are 5 stories, not novels, but otherwise a fine collection at a great price. These are the original editions as published in magazine format with the black and white illustrations that accompanied them. The Complete Paratime published in 2001 by Ace has more stories but lacks the first one, "Genesis" which I have not seen collected elsewhere. This ebook includes a linked Table of Contents which some low cost collections lack.

Piper had a belief in both reincarnation and the possibility of parallel worlds which he explored in these short stories. He was an excellent pulp science fiction writer whose works are now mostly in the public domain.

These works, and more of Piper's, can be found on Project Gutenberg and downloaded for free but this edition has gone back to the original paperback magazine stories and includes the illustrations.
Ebook PDF Time Crimes The Paratime Collection Five Paratime Novels in One Volume eBook H Beam Piper

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