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⋙ PDF Armed and Dangerous The IMA Book 2 edition by Nenia Campbell Romance eBooks

Armed and Dangerous The IMA Book 2 edition by Nenia Campbell Romance eBooks

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Armed and Dangerous The IMA Book 2 edition by Nenia Campbell Romance eBooks

This sequel continues flawlessly from the first book, and the pacing is even better here. The building sense of paranoia in the beginning is so well-written. It follows the humorous reprieve at the start with her ridiculous mother and more affectionate but weaker father. Once Christina is alone, all her fears surface again, and her paranoia actually works in her favor when the bad guys come for her. I like how her reunion with Michael happened for a real reason. It wasn't something flimsy bringing them back together. Most importantly, she didn't just immediately fall back into his arms. He had to earn her trust.

I'm impressed with the author's patience in writing the progression of these characters. Christina has gotten tougher, but she hasn't turned into a complete bad ass like Michael. The changes have been more gradual but steady. Her character was more consistent in this book, and she reacted more believably in the context of the story. Michael has also changed by increments and still retains his core personality and flaws. He hasn't suddenly become a perfect romantic hero and lost his edge. I've read so many books in which the bad boy has a heart of gold by the end of a single book, and I love that it hasn't happened here. It seems that these characters are going to end up meeting somewhere in the middle.

I enjoyed all aspects of this book. It was interesting while they were apart, and it was fun once they were reunited. I liked the journey when they were on the run with all the changing settings and prickly interactions between them. I've always loved that more than the hearts and flowers kind of romances. I cheered for Christina when she took care of that creep. That was the second time too, since there was also the sniper earlier. It was so heartening until the tragic mistake that literally blew up in their faces. Still, she rallied, and it made me as proud as her mama should have been. Our girl is growing up. For awhile there, I had forgotten how young she is until she said her age.

There is also something I forgot to mention in my review of the first book. I love how none of the men in these books ever spare a thought for Christina's weight. She thinks about it, and her mom harps on it, but it's not ever remarked on by the men, not even the bad guys. I think that's very true to how the world is. Women are the ones who make a big issue out of a little extra weight. Men are usually not that focused on it. I believe that the author made a conscious choice to show the disparity in the difference between men and women on this issue without hitting us over the head with it. I appreciate the subtlety.

Read Armed and Dangerous The IMA Book 2  edition by Nenia Campbell Romance eBooks

Tags : Armed and Dangerous (The IMA Book 2) - Kindle edition by Nenia Campbell. Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Nenia Campbell,Armed and Dangerous (The IMA Book 2),FICTION Romance Suspense,FICTION Thrillers Espionage

Armed and Dangerous The IMA Book 2 edition by Nenia Campbell Romance eBooks Reviews

amazing book and great character chemistry. I am really enjoying this author and holding out for book three in the series
I like the concept and the action but the level of emotional angst and the lack of real nuance in the characters (everyone is uber bad or uber good...and the mother character is just to extreme) leave me ultimately unsatisfied. Author shows promise; I'll likely read one more of the series of there is one but there needs to be emotional growth to keep me.
This is a mind blowing adventure with a strong heroines and an unlikely assissin hero
Better because Cristina is no longer a hostage, she suddenly has a say on many things. An improvement because the author doesn't sugar coat her relationship with Michael or make her romanticize him in ridiculous ways.

I still don't know how I feel about them being together, I'm really torn up about it, about just as much as Cristina is herself.

I sort of liked Michael this time around but its those kind of likes, you know the ones that make you shake your head at yourself and think there is something fundamentally wrong with your head. XDD

But this entire series is written to screw with your brain while at the same time trying to keep us moderately sane through Cristina. Terrible things are going to go down and bad things are going to happen. So remember, Michael is a bad man, except when he is not. Killing is wrong, except when its not. And feelings are screwed up all the time.
3.5 Stars
Again lots of action among great characters. Parts of the story could have used a bit more to clarify a few things, but the story was still great. Couldn't put it down until finished.

Besides wanting to smack both Michael and Christina several times (thank you Nenia for the gif) the novel was a great continuation of the first book.

Christina has been through a lot. At first, it seemed to me that her characterization was a little off. She seemed so defiant and strong in the beginning, she refused to let Michael get under her skin. But now she seems lost, scared, and confused. And then I had to smack myself because well of course she's changed. The poor girl has been through so much shit, that as Michael says at one point, it's a wonder she's alive and sane at all. Christina does exhibit signs of PTSD, being paranoid, scared, depressed, lack of desire to eat, not being able to socialize. Not to mention Christina begins to wonder if she actually does have feelings, not necessarily love, for Michael. That is not surprising at all. She lives in a toxic environment at home, with a mother who doesn't give to shits about Christina and makes herself the victim. Her father is no better, while he is more caring, he'd still prefer she wasn't around. Add two different terrorist organizations that want to kill her. That leaves Michael, a violative man who knows very little about loving and caring, and yet, he's the only one who cares about Christina or her well being.

Michael. At least he's trying. He'd grown a lot as a character, and while he still says stupid, offensive, and crass things he's trying to do better. A lot of times I got an image of a naughty puppy trying to hump Christina's leg, whom she has to smack on the nose to make him leave her alone. He goes and broods adorably in the corner, only to later chew up her shoes in revenge. And while she does get pissed at him, he's still an adorable puppy that she can't help but love. That is probably the worst metaphor ever. Ignore it.

Both of them we equally annoying as they were trying to figure out how exactly to deal with the other. God, I wanted to smack them to make them just sit down and talk without either one losing their cool.

Michael had to figure out how to act and treat Christina without hurting, offending, or making her cry. As well as make up for the things he's done to her in the past. While Christina had to sort out her feelings for him, a man who'd basically ruined her life and the only man who can help make it better.

What I had a slight problem with was how much importance the terrorist organizations place on Christina. She's not just a random girl that got caught in the crossfire. I mean I understand why Callaghan would want people to think that, the sick bastard, but even he thinks that she's more important than she is. I mean sure, she's excellent leverage to use against Michael, but I don't know.

I loved the ending though. It's Christina who figures out and inadvertently gets them out of trouble. It's Christina who figures out how to save them both. It's Christina who takes charge of her future and Michael tags along to glare threateningly. She goes from being a victim, to one of the players, and I can't wait to see how role will change in the last book.
This sequel continues flawlessly from the first book, and the pacing is even better here. The building sense of paranoia in the beginning is so well-written. It follows the humorous reprieve at the start with her ridiculous mother and more affectionate but weaker father. Once Christina is alone, all her fears surface again, and her paranoia actually works in her favor when the bad guys come for her. I like how her reunion with Michael happened for a real reason. It wasn't something flimsy bringing them back together. Most importantly, she didn't just immediately fall back into his arms. He had to earn her trust.

I'm impressed with the author's patience in writing the progression of these characters. Christina has gotten tougher, but she hasn't turned into a complete bad ass like Michael. The changes have been more gradual but steady. Her character was more consistent in this book, and she reacted more believably in the context of the story. Michael has also changed by increments and still retains his core personality and flaws. He hasn't suddenly become a perfect romantic hero and lost his edge. I've read so many books in which the bad boy has a heart of gold by the end of a single book, and I love that it hasn't happened here. It seems that these characters are going to end up meeting somewhere in the middle.

I enjoyed all aspects of this book. It was interesting while they were apart, and it was fun once they were reunited. I liked the journey when they were on the run with all the changing settings and prickly interactions between them. I've always loved that more than the hearts and flowers kind of romances. I cheered for Christina when she took care of that creep. That was the second time too, since there was also the sniper earlier. It was so heartening until the tragic mistake that literally blew up in their faces. Still, she rallied, and it made me as proud as her mama should have been. Our girl is growing up. For awhile there, I had forgotten how young she is until she said her age.

There is also something I forgot to mention in my review of the first book. I love how none of the men in these books ever spare a thought for Christina's weight. She thinks about it, and her mom harps on it, but it's not ever remarked on by the men, not even the bad guys. I think that's very true to how the world is. Women are the ones who make a big issue out of a little extra weight. Men are usually not that focused on it. I believe that the author made a conscious choice to show the disparity in the difference between men and women on this issue without hitting us over the head with it. I appreciate the subtlety.
Ebook PDF Armed and Dangerous The IMA Book 2  edition by Nenia Campbell Romance eBooks

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